Where to buy Piononos in Granada

Donde comprar Piononos en Granada

Some of the most popular stores where you can buy piononos in Granada:

  1. Casa Isla: located on Calle Reyes Católicos, in the center of the city, it is probably the most famous bakery in Granada to buy piononos. Founded in 1890, Casa Isla has been making pioneers for over a century.

  2. La Isla: located in Plaza Bib-Rambla, it is known for its delicious piononos, as well as other sweets and pastries typical of the region.

  3. Confitería López-Mezquita: located on Gran Vía de Colón street, near the Cathedral of Granada, it is a family confectionery that has been making piononos since 1960.

  4. Alhambra Pastry Shop: located in the Albaicín neighborhood, on Calle Pagés, it offers a wide variety of typical Granada sweets and cakes, including its famous piononos.

  5. San Nicolás Pastry Shop: located in the Albaicín neighborhood, on Carrera del Darro street, it is another popular option to buy piononos in Granada.

  6. Varela Pastry Shop: located on Ángel Ganivet street, it is another option to try Granada's piononos.

  7. José Luis Bakery: located on Torre de Comares street, it offers piononos and other typical Granada sweets.

I hope this list is useful for you to try the delicious piononos from Granada. Enjoy!

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