What to see in Granada in one day

Qué ver en Granada en un día

Granada is a wonderful , unique, bohemian and dreamy, cosmopolitan, urban, romantic city... and Granada has it all. Alhambra of course but many other things.

What happens if you only have one day to visit it? The first thing that happens is that you have had bad luck , but if you cannot solve it in any other way, we leave you this article where you can have some ideas to carry your grief a little better.

The first thing you are going to have to do is get up early and run a lot, for a day that you are here you have to take advantage of it.

We are going to suppose that you sleep in Granada in a hotel , a friend's house, so get up early and go to a cafeteria , ask for example the most typical of Granada, the one known as Pionono. It has sugar yes, but you will have energy to start the morning.

The first thing is to look for any cafeteria or artisan pastry shop, and buy a pionono , a typical Granada sweet, to take away and start the day off right. in addition to the sugar shot so as not to falter on our route. We are ready.

Your starting point will be Puerta Real, our kilometer 0 and starting point of our day. From there you will get to everything fast and fast.

Granada Cathedral

Built between 1524 and 1704, it was the first Renaissance church in Spain. Designed by Diego de Siloé, the cathedral has five naves with a transept in the apse. It is worth noting the presbytery, the splendid dome and the main portal in the form of a triumphal arch. It houses numerous works of art. Carlos V turned it into the pantheon of the Spanish royal family.

The Catholic Monarchs are buried and that already has its great importance.

Isabel the Catholic Square

From Puerta Real or from the Cathedral you will have very close going up the Plaza de Isabel la Católica. In it you can admire a sculpture of Isabel the Catholic and Christopher Columbus.

This title was granted to Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile by Pope Alexander VI in the papal bull "si convenit", issued in 1496. It was in honor of their contribution to the spread of Catholicism, thanks to the unification of the mainland Spain. And the discovery of America in 1492. This marked Spain leaving the Middle Ages and entering the modern era.

Plaza Nueva arriving at the Paseo de los Tristes

Once located in the Plaza Isabel la Católica you will see Plaza Nueva, a swarm of people you will see in this peculiar and wonderful place, if you continue forward you will be able to enter the so-called Paseo de los Tristes, parallel to the Darro River, you will be able to glimpse above the Alhambra. Take it as a pleasant walk. Remember that you can hire any of our Tours where you can discover all the stories of the area.

Why is it called "Paseo de los Tristes"? The funeral processions passed by on their way to the cemetery. Today, there is everything except sadness.

to the bottom of the pass

Time for a cover

In the area of Calle Elvira, Paseo de los tristes, Plaza Nueva, Bib-Rambla to have a tapa. You can see our article on the best tapas in Granada

Visit to the Alhambra

This is almost a must see, so take the opportunity to go up to see it, if you do not have a ticket remember that you can see some parts without a ticket and totally free. Go to the article "What can you see in the Alhambra without paying" Read article

Saint Nicholas' lookout

Although it is not the only one, perhaps it is the most famous and well-known. From there you will be able to admire the Alhambra in a beautiful way, seeing its sunset will be one of the greatest pleasures for you.